Most of us prefer not to think too much about our own funerals. And that can make an already difficult time more challenging as family & friends struggle to choose funeral flowers as a final gift for you.
Feeling emotional, choosing a style from a catalogue is how most people have to do this. Another item ticked off the lengthy list of arrangements to be made. Part of the difficulty is we don't know what else could be available or how much it might cost. Sometimes the traditional arrangements offered, while beautiful, may not be in a style you feel reflects the person you loved. Funeral flowers, in my humble opinion, should start with the person you knew & loved. What did they love to do? Their favourite flowers? Colours? Were they a lover of the great outdoors, the natural world, their garden perhaps? And if they were trying to live a natural, 'green' life as best they could, it seems ironic to give funeral flowers arranged in non-biodegradeable plastic, cellophane & floral foam. Many natural burial grounds don't allow funeral tributes using these materials to be left at the graveside. So I offer an alternative. Natural flowers & foliage, mostly grown by ourselves here in Galloway. Always 100% grown in the British Isles, all year round. Arranged simply in an informal 'garden style' & 100% compostible, if required. We've incorporated many personal touches - the wheat for the Farmers wife, the blue ribbons for the 'Queen of the South' fan, the Sweet Peas because it was her favourite flower, the cones & larch for the forester... And if you would like flowers from your loved ones garden included, I'll do my best to do so (subject to quality, of course). Some examples of arrangement shapes are pictured on our Funeral Flowers page. If you would like something else, let's talk & we'll see what might be possible. Funeral flowers are, should be, personal, unique, chosen for that special person. The way I arrange natural funeral flowers is not everybody's style or taste. But if you feel it would be the right choice for the one you cared for, get in touch by telephone or email. Telephone; Rosie Gray on 01644 420407. If I don't answer, please do leave a message. I might be outside working (we grow most of our own flowers), out on a delivery or just not able to put a bouquet I'm making down quickly enough to answer. I'll return your call as soon as I can.
Yes, yes, I know it's early but our Christmas Wreath workshops are booking up fast.
Come along & make your own plastic-free wreath from natural foliage & decorate it with lots of lovely trimmings. Always a fun, relaxed way to start the festive season. At the Cat Strand Arts Centre, New Galloway on the 5th December & the Station House Cookery School, Krkcudbright on Friday 6th December 2pm start. All materials provided. Further information here. You can book online here or send me a message to reserve your place. Telephone Rosie on 01644 420407. Loving the gorgeous Autumn colours of these Squash in the Autumn sunshine a few days ago. To keep well they need to be 'cured' in the sunshine - the skins will harden & protect the tasty flesh inside. Delicious in soups, curries, roasted...
Reminds me how special the golden Autumn days are - I must make time for a walk in the woods to kick up some leaves! A very satisfying 30 minutes or so last week spent collecting up a few Acer leaves & placing them in the flower press. The fiery colours re just appearing & I want to capture a variety of shades.
So a couple of sheets a day this next week should give me that selection. When dried, I'll make them into some unique greetings cards. Pressing flowers is a simple pleasure - it makes me stop & really LOOK at the details in each leaf or flower, appreciating it's beauty. Thoughts of Spring here as bulbs are arriving by the box during last couple of weeks.
Always good to have something to look forward to isn't it? I could do with a run of dry weather to get them planted. On Sunday 3rd November, Join me to plant your very own 'bulb lasagne' in a large pot to brighten up your view. You'll layer a selection of different bulbs to give a continuous display from mid-February through to May (depending on weather). Everything you'll need is supplied & I'll show you what to do, step-by-step. Details & how to book on the workshops page here. Autumn arrived here this week. First frosts knocked out almost all our Dahlias overnight - a full two weeks later than last year, so I know we've been lucky. It was well forecast so I spent the afternoon before the frost hit cutting dozens of Dahlias so we could enjoy them at the 'Autumn Glory' workshop - I couldn't bear not to!
Our fourth growing season here is now coming to an end. It's been a good one overall - not too hot, not too dry, the flowers have bloomed well & we've cut thousands of stems. I'm getting to know this piece of land better & what plants are best suited to certain positions which helps. In previous years, Ken & I made great efforts to extend our season by protecting flowers from the cold & growing late varieties in the polytunnel. This enabled me to continue offering locally grown bouquets (with added flowers from Lincolnshire & Cornwall) right up until Christmas. This year, we decided to stop protection from 1st October - & that was the day of that first frost! Although we've flowers here, the variety is reducing. So our local bouquet deliveries will cease until March 2020 (Mothers Day weekend) when our flowers are blooming profusely again. I'll still be delighted to prepare flower orders for you for parties, weddings & funerals of course, & will bring additional flowers from British growers in the Scilly Isles, Cornwall & Lincolnshire. Get in touch early for these orders to ensure I have the fresh flowers required as we don't carry stock. This allows me to shift focus & time from cutting & delivering bouquets, to planning ahead for next year & our busy Christmas season. The seedlings that will bloom for weddings next May & June are popping up nicely now. Soon they'll be ready to plant out in the beds. I'm tripping over boxes of bulbs so must start planting these! The Ranunculus & Anemones are on my list too for this week, Narcissi will go in the ground next but the Tulips will wait until November. This reduces the risk of the nasty disease 'Tulip Fire'. We ran our first evening workshop at new venue The Frothy Bike Cafe in Dumfries last week & really enjoyed sharing Autumn flowers & foliage with the group. The schedule of workshops until the end of the year is now launched & bookings open. Upcoming Events; Dumfries; We'll be meeting for short & very relaxed 'hands on' evening flowery sessions, at the Frothy Cafe on Whitesands. 6.15pm - 7.45pm Email me to reserve your place.
New Galloway & Kirkcudbright; 'Make Your Own Christmas Wreath' workshops in early December. We’ll be at Kirkcudbright Food Festival on Sunday 27th October. I'll be bringing our own dried flowers as well as fresh. Also flowers to arrange yourself by the informal bunch or bucket (pre-order by Monday am & collection only) are available on Fridays & Saturdays this month. Your Flowery Inspiration links;
It's a great month for admiring the autumn colour on the trees, the berries & perhaps drying a few interesting seed heads to fill your vases. Enjoy kicking up the leaves too! Until next time, Rosie Gray Galloway Flowers Stunning arrangements being created at last Tuesday's 'Autumn Glory' workshop @thefrothybikeco in Dumfries. I always love to see how given the same materials to work with, everybody chooses their own favourites - colours, flowers, foliage & puts them together in their own special style.
Every one unique, every one glorious. Next month (Tuesday 5th November2019) we'll be making contemporary wreaths using beautiful dried flowers. It's a fun, relaxed setting so do come along if you enjoy playing with flowers.No experience necessary & all materials/tools provided. Email to reserve your place. |
AuthorRosie Gray of Galloway Flowers. Cut Flower Grower & Florist near Castle Douglas, in South West Scotland. Using 100% Flowers & Foliage grown in British Isles, all year round. Archives
January 2025